The photos are on sales for SGD50 to SGD100. For details, please contact me at Prints (with/without frames) are available for purchase too. 
Thank you. 

"Dreamy Chin, Myanmar"

"a morning in Falam, Myanmar"

"Japanese Garden"

"Houses from Hakha, Myanmar"


"Hpa-An Sunrise"

"Loikaw Market, Myanmar"

"Lone traveller"

"Myauk U, Rakhine morning"

Somewhere in Myauk U, Rakhine

"Moe Yun Gyi, Myanmar"

"Aung Ban"

Rakhine Country Side

A cowboy from Rakhine

"U Bein evening"

"tedim sunset"

"above all else"

"a trail under"

"Bridge over T. water"


Norte Dame, Paris

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